The world’s favourite maths puzzles brought to life in a way you’ve never seen them before!

If you’re looking for something to add a bit of extra sparkle and life to your maths class in these demanding times of online and remote learning, then why not try Maths Puzzle Crew?

Maths Puzzle Crew is a series of videos that brings to life some of the greatest and best loved maths and logic puzzles of all time.

By combining storytelling and high quality video production with maths history, puzzles, maths magic and more we have created a unique resource that can help you to:

  • Boost student engagement in maths

  • Enhance maths reasoning skills

  • Improve problem solving skills

  • Increase maths fluency

  • Encourage critical thinking and logic

  • And above all have fun!

Our aim with Maths Puzzle Crew is not to teach maths directly but to engage, inspire and entertain students in maths.

The videos come with answers and explanations (except of course when we are sworn to secrecy) as well as suggestions for follow on work and activities so you can build out the work across the content strands of the Australian Curriculum including Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability.

The range of videos are suitable for middle and upper primary students (Years 3 – 6)  and junior secondary students (Years 7-8).

Maths Puzzle Crew is currently in production, and scheduled for release in late April / early May.

Sample videos will be available shortly and the full series will be available on a subscription basis.

We hope you will join us in adding some extra fun and life to maths classes in these difficult times of COVID 19.

To register your interest, or to find out more, please contact us today.


Something that will not only engage students with maths, but leave them astounded by the hidden power and wonder of numbers…

Something that will have students (and teachers) roaring with laughter, wondering ‘wow’ how did that happen, then trying to solve amazing mathematical puzzles…

Then why not try The Maths Show?

The Maths Show is a live stage performance like no other.

The Maths Show is full of mathematical magic, mystery and mayhem – designed to entertain and engage students while substantially increasing their interest in mathematics.

During the show, students will be astounded at the amazing power of numbers to control the mind, predict the future, reveal secrets and much, much more.

As part of the performance, students will meet famous and (not so famous) mathematicians from ancient Babylon and Greece, Pioneers of Algebra, Famous Women of Maths, Champions of Chance and Data, as well as Experts in Shape and Space.

The Maths Show is highly interactive, with substantial audience involvement, and will leave students wanting to know more about the mathematical principles that underly the onstage antics.

We are proud to partner with the Mathematical Association of Victoriathe show’s principal sponsor, and with the Mathematical Association of New South Wales to provide teachers with a resource kit and lesson notes for optional follow on activities that can be built into a unit of work.

The Maths Show is brought to you by the same team that created the long-running stage shows, The History of Maths, and Famous Female Mathematiciansseen in hundreds of schools throughout Australia, and who produced the Maths and Cricket and Maths and Soccer DVDs that have been seen by students throughout Australia, America, Europe and Asia.

Two versions of the show are available, one designed for Junior Secondary students, and one designed for Upper Primary Students.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to bring maths alive for your students.

To book your performance at your school, or to find out more about The Maths Showcontact us today.

Principal Sponsor

The Nitty Gritty:

The Maths Show is presented in-house at your school.

The production runs for approximately 35 – 45 minutes.

An ideal size audience is 80 – 120 students, but the production can be delivered to smaller groups, or to up to 200 students in an appropriate venue.

We prefer to preload our AV items onto your system, and you will need to provide a screen for them to be projected upon. A microphone may be required for larger venues.

Full teachers notes and resource kit, created by the Maths Association of Victoria, are provided in soft copy for follow on work.

Discounted pricing for The Maths Show is available to M.A.V. and M.A.N.S.W. members as follows:

Up to 100 students: $8.00 per head (Minimum fee $744)

From 100 – 150 students: $7.20 per head

Over 150 students: $6.40 per head

Prices for non-member schools are:

Up to 100 students: $10.00 per head (Minimum fee $830)

From 100 – 150 students: $9.00 per head

Over 150 students: $8.00 per head

G.S.T. is additional on all prices.

To find out how we can have your audience roaring with laughter, astounded by the wonder of numbers, and bring maths alive for you in a way you will never forget, contact us today!