A live show that helps students build a positive maths mindset, defeat maths anxiety, and build their confidence in maths.
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Unfortunately many students struggle with low levels of confidence and high levels of anxiety in mathematics.
However research shows that having a positive attitude and growth mindset can boost student performance and engagement in this vital subject.
So what if there was a great way to change your students attitude to maths, boost their enjoyment of the subject, and instil within them the self belief that everyone can do maths?
Why Choose This Show?
Our new show – The Maths Mindset Show – can help students to:
Reduce maths anxiety and negative perceptions of the the subject
Boost their levels of confidence and self belief in maths
Engage deeply with maths and find it more enjoyable
Build a growth mindset in maths
Enhance their maths study skills so they can achieve at their highest possible levels
Encourage students to continue with higher level maths subjects
About the Show
This unique live theatrical performance follows the adventures of Sam, an energetic and bubbly young student who has been selected at random to represent her school in a prestigious national mathematics competition.
Sam unfortunately struggles with a lack of self confidence in maths and general apathy towards STEM subjects. She is worried about how she will perform in the competition and what her friends will say if she fails.
Everything changes when Sam meets the amazing Hypatia – a time travelling, maths tutoring, super hero and her crew of maths mindset mentors – who have been helping students through the millennia deal with similar problems.
Hypatia takes Sam on an amazing journey through the world of maths, teaching her that with the right mindset and good study skills everyone can be good at maths.
During her fun filled adventure with Hypatia Sam learns:
How to build a positive attitude and growth mindset in maths
How to combat maths anxiety and overcome her fears about maths
That making mistakes helps to build a better brain
You don’t need to be fast with numbers to do well in maths
Persistence is a key to maths success
Powerful ways to boost self confidence in maths
The show combines humour, live performance, storytelling and audience interaction into a unique maths experience for students.
The show utilises the latest research into how students learn maths and is inspired by the work of academic luminaries such as Jo Boaler and Carol Dweck to make a positive difference in the way students engage with maths. The Maths Mindset Show is written and directed by Brad Felstead, Founder of Felstead Education and is his 10th maths based production. It stars Louisa Fitzharding and features video performances from Brianne Turk, James Liotta and more.
The Maths Mindset Show is supported by a resource kit to help students further embed their learning from the show.
Suitable for Primary and Junior Secondary
Contact us Today!
To find out more about unique opportunity to entertain and engage your students in maths while giving them the self belief and skill set they need to succeed in this wonderful subject, contact us today.
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To download your free set of eight beautifully designed maths growth mindset classroom posters, please click here.
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