A unique study skills program to improve the way students learn maths.
Knowing how to study maths is a vital study skill that no high school student should be without.
Having strong maths skills is a vital part of every child’s education, yet many students struggle with low levels of confidence and high levels of anxiety in mathematics.
However research shows that improving the way students study maths and helping them build a more positive attitude towards maths can substantially improve their outcomes in maths.
Why Choose How to Learn Maths?
Drawing on our expertise as one of Australia’s leading providers of study skills programs, including over 30 years experience in creating maths programs and in consultation with Jo Boaler, Director of Youcubed.org and one of the world’s leading maths learning experts we have created a program that can help students to:
Boost their levels of confidence and self belief in maths
Reduce maths anxiety and negative perceptions of the the subject
Engage deeply with maths and find it more enjoyable
Build a growth mindset in maths
Enhance their maths study skills so they can achieve at their highest possible levels
Encourage students to continue with higher level maths subjects
We believe that How to Learn Maths is valuable for students as it teaches them how to study maths while at the same time boosting their levels of confidence, engagement and enjoyment in maths.
This exciting and innovative program includes the following units:
1. Maths and mindset – why your attitude to maths impacts on your success in maths
2. Building a growth mindset in maths – anyone can do maths!
3. Brain rules for maths success
Persisting in the face of challenges
How making mistakes grows your brain
Thinking slowly and deeply about maths
Being flexible in your maths thinking
Being creative and having fun in maths
Working in groups and talking about maths
4. How to take great notes in maths class
5. Applying strong study skills to maths
Setting maths learning goals
Time management in maths study
Efficient and effective maths learning
Beating procrastination in maths
Avoiding distraction while studying maths
6. How to conquer maths anxiety and stay calm and relaxed in maths
The Nitty Gritty:
How to Learn Maths is available in tailored versions for Upper, Middle and Lower Secondary Students.
The program is delivered as a 50 – 60 minute session, designed for a full year cohort of up to approximately 150 students.
How to Learn Maths is delivered in-house at your school and comes complete with follow on resources to embed the learning.
How to Learn Maths is brought to you by Felstead Education, drawing on over 30 years of educational experience. We are one of Australia’s leading study skills experts, and the producers of such iconic maths productions including The Maths Show, The Maths Mindset Show and The History of Maths.
We are proud to have developed How to Learn Maths in consultation with Jo Boaler of Stanford University, one of the world’s leading maths education experts. She is a former President of the International Organisation for Women and Maths Education, and the author of nine books and numerous research articles. She was named by the BBC as ‘One of the eight people whose ideas are challenging the future of Education.”
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to give your students the self confidence and skill set they need to succeed in maths.
To find out about having How to Learn Maths at your school – contact us today!