A live presentation to help your students enjoy and thrive in maths.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all of your students loved maths?
If they all felt confident in their abilities in maths?
And if they all had a great study skill set with which to learn maths?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if their new confidence and skills helped them to enjoy maths even more.
And then the lower achieving students could leave behind some of their maths anxiety and fears.
And the higher achieving students could be empowered to excel even further…
Wouldn’t it be brilliant if this in turn helped all of your students to engage more deeply with maths, and to go further with their maths studies?
This may sound like mathematical utopia, and we can’t promise to deliver all of it, but we can help you and your students to journey along this path.
That’s why we created our How to Love Maths study skills seminar.
What is How to Love Maths?
Based on latest developments in neuroscience and cutting edge research into how students learn and engage with maths, we have created a study skills seminar to empower students with the self belief and skill set to help them to their very best at maths.
A key element of the seminar is disproving the myth that students are either innately good or bad at maths.
We show that with the right attitude, skill set, and hard work, nearly all students can succeed at maths.
Drawing on our expertise as one of Australia’s leading providers of study skills programs, including over 30 years experience in creating maths programs and in consultation with Jo Boaler, Director of Youcubed.org and one of the world’s leading maths learning experts we have created a program that can help students to:
Boost their levels of confidence and self belief in maths
Reduce maths anxiety and negative perceptions of the subject
Engage deeply with maths and find it more enjoyable
Build a growth mindset in maths
Enhance their maths study skills so they can achieve at their highest possible levels
Encourage students to continue with higher level maths subjects
We believe How to Love Maths may be one of the most important lessons in a student’s mathematical studies as it teaches them how to study maths while at the same time boosting their levels of confidence, engagement and enjoyment in maths.
What’s included in the program?
This exciting and innovative program includes the following units:
1. Maths and mindset
Why your attitude to maths impacts on your success in maths
2. How your brain learns maths
Everyone can do maths!
3. The seven keys to maths success
Self belief
How making mistakes grows your brain
It’s not about speed
Being flexible in your maths thinking
Being creative and having fun in maths
Working in groups and talking about maths
Being visual in maths
4. How to take great notes in maths class
Using the Cornell Note Taking System to take great notes in maths
5. Applying strong study skills to maths
Setting maths learning goals
Time management in maths study
Efficient and effective maths learning
Beating procrastination in maths
Avoiding distraction while studying maths
6. How to conquer maths anxiety and stay calm and relaxed in maths
Practical tools to reduce stress and build a positive mindset in maths
The Nitty Gritty