Do you want to study more efficiently and effectively? Then our one-on-one Study Skills Boot Camp program is just what you need! 

Have you ever asked yourself, ‘How can I study better?’

Research shows that the best students are not necessarily the smartest, but are the ones who know how to study effectively and consistently throughout the year.

Yet many students struggle to develop the motivation and organisational skills to achieve at their best. 

Our one-one-one Study Skills Boot Camp™ tutoring program can help you fix these problems – giving you a the skills and self belief you need to achieve your best possible results in senior school, and maximise the rewards for all of your hard work and effort.


Why do our Study Skills Boot Camp?

Delivered in 2 x 1 hour individual sessions,  you will learn a simple, yet powerful, system that you can use every time you sit down to study.

Developed with hundreds of hours research by one of Australia’s leading study skills experts the program comes complete with a set of resource templates, that you can use from day one.

As a result of using our system you will be able to reduce the amount of time you spend studying, while achieving better results with less stress and anxiety.

 What we will teach you: 

Our Study Skills Boot Camp will take you step by step through the study process, teaching you how to:

Set Powerful Goals – having clear, achievable, written goals is the best way to stay motivated and focused through the year.

Manage Time Efficiently
  – all students have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some seem to make better use of their time. We will teach you how to use your time more efficiently for maximum results.

Conquer Procrastination
–  one of the biggest problems students face is procrastination, we will teach you proven strategies to tame your need to procrastinate.

Take Better Notes
– probably the number one skill displayed by students who get the best results.

Reduce Distraction 
– maximise your efficiency by cutting down interruptions, especially from mobile phones, social media and other technological distractions .

Improve your memory skills
 – a range of simple to use, yet highly powerful tools to help you remember more of what you learn.

Prepare for Exams –
so you can perform at your best when it matters most, and reduce anxiety and stress at exam time.

We can also provide on-going tutoring support – either in study skills, or specific subjects, delivered by expert tutors so you can continue to implement what you learn and get the marks you want.

The program comes complete with course notes and a set of templates you can use again and again to help you remain organised and efficient.

Who will be teaching you?

A limited number of tutoring places are available, as the program is delivered personally by Brad Felstead. Brad is one of Australia’s leading study skills experts and his lectures, DVDs and seminars covering a broad range of subjects have been seen by over 250,000 students in close to 1000 schools throughout Australia, Europe, Asia and America over the past 25 years.

The program is generally delivered in person, one-on-one but can also be delivered to a pair of students, or via Skype or Face Time.

Contact us today

Having powerful study skills is one of the best investments you can make in your education.

Delivered in just 2 x 1 hour sessions, our Study Skills Boot Camp can help you get the marks you need, to get into the course you want.

Don’t waste time and effort by studying ineffectively or inefficiently – learn the skills employed by top students so you can achieve at your personal best.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to improve your study skills.

Your investment in the program is $260 ($130 per hour x two sessions).

Take advantage of our special ‘Bring a Friend’ option – work in a pair for just $180 per student.

Don’t let travel time or distance stop you – Skype sessions are also available.


Contact us today to find out how we can help you reach your personal best – in less time and with less stress!